Protein Molecular Weight Standards

Protein Molecular Weight Standards, SERVA


Protein Molecular Weight Standard

  • Native PAGE protein Standard
  • For Native protein electrophoresis
  • Contains 8 proteins for Native PAGE


Protein Molecular Weight Standards, Serva 


Use for the molecular weight determination of proteins separated in native polyacrylamide.

This standard protein marker contains a set of 8 proteins.
Proteins are either in solution or lyophilized. The lyophilized proteins are easily dissolved in water or sample buffer.

The protein molecular weights range from 12.400 Da (Cytochrome C) up to 450.000 Da (Ferritin horse).

The protein concentration for each protein is 25mg/protein.

Please note: In the presence of SDS many of the proteins will fall into their subunits, therefore this marker should not be used for SDS PAGE.

Protein Name - MW

  1. Ferritin horse - 450 000
  2. Catalase bovine - 240 000
  3. Aldolase rabbit - 160 000
  4. Albumin bovine (BSA) - 67 000
  5. Albumin egg - 45 000
  6. Chymotrypsinogen A - 25 000
  7. Myoglobin equine - 17 800
  8. Cytochrome C - 12 400

Best Storage Temperatures: -15 °C to -25 °C

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