Agarose SERVA low melting - research grade
Agarose SERVA low melting  CAS 9012-36-6
Agarose SERVA low melting - research grade
Agarose SERVA low melting  CAS 9012-36-6

Agarose Low Melting


Agarose Low Melting Point

Highly efficient recovery of DNA fragments at low temperature for subsequent in-gel manipulations like restriction analysis or ligation reactions.

Size(s): 5g, 25g, 100g




Agarose Low Melting

research grade CAS [9012-36-6]

Highly efficient recovery of DNA fragments at low temperature for subsequent in-gel manipulations like restriction analysis or ligation reactions.


Application: Low EEO agarose for analytical and preparative nucleic acid electrophoresis of DNA/RNA fragments >500 bp; for in-gel manipulations.


Gelling temperature (1.5 %)

Gel strength (1.5 %)

Electro endosmosis (EEO)

max. 31 °C

> 200 g/cm2

0.05 - 0.14


Storage Temperature: +15 °C to +30 °C

Agarose Low Melting Guide

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