SERVA BluePrep DetergentEx Micro Kit, 50 reactions, SERVA

SERVA BluePrep Detergent Free Micro Kit, 50 reactions,


SERVA BluePrep DetergentEx Micro Kit, Protein Purification Kit, 25 reactions, SERVA


The SERVA BluePrep DetergentEx Micro Kit bases on spin-column chromatography and provides a fast and simple procedure for the effective removal of SDS, Triton X-100 and other detergents from small samples of protein. Process up to 12 samples in only 20 minutes compared to dialysis over several hours. Moreover detergent removal and concentration can be done simultaneously. The final elution is performed with choices of several different buffers suitable for: mass spectrometry, SDS-PAGE, isoelectric focusing, proteolytic digestion, x-ray crystallography, and NMR spectroscopy.

Kit specifications:

  • Max. protein input/spin column: 50 ug
  • Column reservoir capacity: 650 ul
  • Max. loading volume/spin column (multiple loads necessary): 5 ml
  • Protein recovery: 80-95%
  • Min. elution volume: 30 µl (for max. protein recovery 50 µl)
  • % Detergent removal: > 95 %
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