Agarose SERVA Tablets, 0.5 g/tablet - molecular biology grade

Agarose Tablets CAS 9012-36-6


Agarose Tablets

Molecular biology grade  CAS [9012-36-6]

Agarose pressed into tablets of 0.5 g each - no need to weigh the agarose.



Agarose Tablets

CAS [9012-36-6]

Agarose pressed into tablets of 0.5 g each. There is no need to weigh the agarose. Just simply disperse the requested number of tablets in running buffer for 5 minutes at room temperature and then heat the suspension in a microwave until the material is dissolved. The achieved gel volume per tablet for different agarose concentrations is listed below:


% agarose

0.5 %

0.75 %

1.0 %

1.5 %

2.0 %

gel volume/tablet

100.0 ml

66.7 ml

50.0 ml

33.3 ml

25.0 ml


Application: For analytical and preparative electrophoresis of DNA fragments between 200 and 20,000 bp.

Special quality tested for applications in molecular biology.


Gel. temp. (1.5 %)

Gel strength (1.5 %)

Electro endosmosis (EEO)

34 - 39 °C

> 1000 g/cm2

≤ 0.13


EINECS: 232-731-8HS: 39139000

Storage Temperature: +15 °C to +30 °C

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