Albumin human, SERVA Electrophoresis

Human Serum Albumin (HSA)


Purity: 97%

HIV Antibody free



Albumin Human, Human Serum Albumin (HSA)

Lyophilized HSA | CAS 70024-90-7


Suitable as cell culture supplement that functions as a carrier protein for fatty acids, growth factors, trace minerals and protects cells from damage both physically and by binding toxins. Diluent/stabilizer for antisera, enzymes, and sensitive biopolymers in order to maintain particular properties.

Each lot is tested and found to be negative for antibodies to HIV-1, HIV-2, HCV, HTLV-1, HTLV-2 and HBsAg, for syphilitic serology and for HIV-1 and HCV RNA .

 General specifications:

  • Total protein:  > 92.0 %
  • HSA purity: > 97.0 %
  • pH ( 10 % in H2O): 6.5 – 7.4


 HS: 35029020

Storage Temperature: +2 °C to +8 °C

HSA Specifications

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